Announcement Sept 17 2024

We need some help Moonlighters and with that my apologies in advance for the prattle however it’s very important to convey this message to each of you directly.
As fall approaches in many parts of the country, band and weather conditions set up the perfect storm for playing Ham Radio. It’s a wonderful time of the year to really enjoy the hobby to its fullest, particularly when we’re searching for that elusive DX contact or just kicking back for a good old fashion Rag Chew. To that end, Rag Chew sounds good but a “Controlled Net” by definition does not easily lend itself to Rag Chewing. When time is limited the quality of a conversation can easily become diminished. In order to improve and maintain the level of professionalism and enjoyment you have come to expect and deserve it cannot be achieved without support. Many of you are keenly aware that a Net is only as good as the people who participate and manage its daily operation. There is much more than meets the eye to pull this off.
We truly believe our recipe for a highly successful Net demands that our Net Control Operators give you the most personalized, sincere and undistracted few minutes as is possible. To do this it is imperative we have a solid, dedicated support team. If a NCO has to manage a list “Netlogger” or to bring in a distant or weak station by themselves, then their ability to provide the things I just mentioned suffers dramatically. At that point the Net becomes just that – A Net. Nothing more, nothing less.
Currently we have 5 Net Control Operators and only 2 dedicated Loggers running Net Logger on a computer – Jeff AA4JG and Dave N9UIE. While both of them are very experienced Net Control Operators themselves they dedicate this talent in support of all 5 of the NCO’s. It can be overwhelming to say the least. In Dave’s case he Logs and Net Controls for himself on Tuesdays. He also logs Monday for Sharon NA5H, Tuesday’s himself and now Saturday’s for me. Jeff AA4JG manages two of our very busiest evening’s – Friday’s with Andy W2AJR and the top Vintage evening Net on 40 meters with Jon K1BCR every Sunday. We are looking for serious candidates for loggers right now, immediately! We have tried, somewhat passively and unsuccessfully over the last few months but now we are faced with reality. We need at least 2 candidates willing to jump in and do this extremely important function. I’m willing to bet all of us have said to ourselves at some point “you know, someday”. Well guess what, for the Moonlighters, someday is today! ๐Ÿ™‚ Let me also mention and recognize our “Relays” who are the backbone for expanding and developing the Moonlighters as a functional Net geographically. We are rapidly expanding our footprint into the Southeast, Northeast, Midwest, North and South Central US, West and to our ever growing Canadian neighbors and friends in the beautiful North.
Our promise to you. We will train you, encourage you, mentor and promote you as a vital part of the Moonlighters support team. I can promise you all the support you’ll need and friendship’s behind the scenes that are extraordinary. I am certain that many of you have wanted to do more for your Net as time permits. Now is the time my friends, we need your help more than ever.
You can contact Dave N9UIE by personal FB messenger or at or reach out to me here on messenger or or any Net member you may feel comfortable with to present your interest. We will not pressure you in anyway if you are the least bit unsure. Loggers are our mission. Potential Net Control Operators, Relay’s or any other volunteers to assist in backroom operations will get our personal attention!
On behalf of the Moonlighters steering team I personally thank you for your devotion and support as we work to keep the Moonlighters your favorite Net.
73’s Mark

73 Dave N9UIE